Toolkit for creating digital learning materials in schools

From ”The Navigator in the School Culture” to ”The Change in School Culture”

Introduction of participating schools:

Pohjolanrinne School, Riihimäki, http://www.riihimaki.fi/en/Riihimaki/Koulutuspalvelut/Perusopetus/Ylakoulut-lk-6-9/Pohjolanrinne/Etusivu-Pohjolanrinne/

Pohjolanrinne School was established in 1963. After the introduction of the comprehensive school system. Today the school consists of classes from 6th grade till 9th grade and has in total 422 students. During the last two years Pohjolanrinne School has been actively involved in the development of the use of ICT in teaching and learning.

School no 548 with advanced learning of English language, Krasnoselsky District http://www.sc548.narod.ru/

There are 66 teachers at school including a logopedist and a social educator.
There are 782 pupils studying on different levels:
Primary school – 353 pupils
Lower secondary school – 342 pupils
Upper secondary school – 87 pupils
The school’s achievements are:
- 2010 – the school was awarded for introducing innovative educational programs and projects within the Priority National Project “Education”
- 5 teachers are the winners of the contest among the best teachers within the Priority National Project “Education”
- The school is the winner of the National contest “Publishing at school”
- The pupils of the school are the participants of the annually held International Conference “Problems of studying information technologies at school”
The school is the laureate of the City Contest “Healthy life-style”
