Toolkit for creating digital learning materials in schools

ICT is used to support teaching, studying and learning in order to achieve specific, well-defined educational objectives and goals.
ICT is used to create a flexible pedagogical framework for curriculum content, pedagogical interaction and instructional variations.
ICT is used to document the T-S-L culture and process, and make it visible through documentation and reflection.

How does it work?

Test and try out your digital learning materials with a pilot group of learners.

Plan the pilot use, and describe how and where your material is going to be used in Template 4 DLM Pilot Implementation Plan.

Consider Six Ps Guiding questions

- Identification of a problem or need in current practice
- Goal setting
- E-resource can be used for different purposes

Pedagogical use of ICT
1) What do you want to explore in the pilot use of your DLM?
  - What was the focus on piloting? Why?
  - For what purpose have you chosen to pilot this unit of study/course/activity?
  - What questions did you want to find answers to in your DLM pilot?
2) Something new, something old
  - Was the content of the study unit/course/activity old or new?
  - Did you explore new ways to teach old content?
3) How did you design the pilot use of your DLM?
  - How did you organize your work?
  - What activities were carried out in the development team for the pilot use of DLM?

Flexible pedagogical framework
1) What practices (organisational, pedagogical professional), etc.) did your DLM introduce into your school culture?
2) Did you have different subjects or levels when piloting your DLM?
3) How did you engage, present, or let others know about your pilot?

Main Making the T-S-L culture and process visible
1) How do you keep track of the pilot progress?
  - How do you document critical moments or incidents in the DLM use?
2) How do you document the development process of the pilot unit?
  - How do you guide and involve students in documenting their learning experiences?
3) What methods and tools do you use for documenting and reflecting?
  - How does your DLM encourage students?

'Variation is the mother of learning'

Visit the showroom in this toolkit. Pick ideas, and find inspirations for putting your digital learning material framework into practice. Look also at the experts' feedback: the Finnish experts' feedback; and the Russian experts' feedback. What can you learn from it? Anything that might be useful for your pilot?

Go and see others in your school. Visit your colleague’s class.

Let your students explore. Variation can be seen in a teaching-learning-studying process as different solutions produced by students to a single complex problem or task.

Read more about variation.

Consider Six Ps Guiding questions

- Achievability
- Relevance of use of ICT
- Clear and concise language

Pedagogical use of ICT
1) How might your DLM impact students’ and teachers’ understanding of the T-S-L process and their possible roles in it?
2) How can students participate in setting their learning goals, selecting topics to study, and formulating problems and questions to be answered in the T-S-L process?
3) How could you ensure students' active and independent work in the T-S-L process?
4) Which activity types would best fit this purpose?
5) How could students demonstrate their active and independent work using your DLM?

Flexible pedagogical framework
1) How is the content of your DLM structured, sequenced and connected?
2) What ICT tools can be used to organise educational interaction and student work with your DLM?
3) What in your DLM prompts the teacher
  - to think about the most appropriate type of pedagogical interaction,
  - to think about the most appropriate type, range and sequence of activities,
  - to choose the most appropriate ICT tools to achieve the planned results?
4) What other e-resources could be integrated into or used with your DLM to organise the educational process, interaction and student work?

Main Making the T-S-L culture and process visible
1) How does your DLM encourage students
  - to reflect on what and how they study;
  - to understand what learning outcomes you expect from them before they start to work with your DLM;
  - understand the goals of the work with the ICTs you have chosen?
2) Does your DLM allow students to monitor their improvement throughout the unit of study or course?
3) How can feedback on their performance and information be shared?

Reflect and evaluate your pilot experiences

Document all key findings, results and discoveries, experienced risks, and analyse what needs updating and developing.

Reflect on how much work will be needed in the future and how you could prepare for it. Interview your colleagues on their pilot experiences.

Consider Six Ps Guiding questions

- Achievability
- Relevance of use of ICT
- Clear and concise language

Pedagogical use of ICT
1) Were your students familiar with e-learning before the pilot?
  - How competent were they at using the chosen technology?
  - Were you fluent in using them?
  - How would you assess your own and your students’ competency and fluency now?
2) Which technology choices did you make to enable learning?
3) What e-resources and technology did you use to make your students’ work more active?
  - Which tools seemed to fit best and enhance well the achievement of goals?

Flexible pedagogical framework
1) What was your pilot studying-learning module / unit of study / course / activity like? Describe
  - the pedagogical approach or practice that underpins the unit of study / course / activity
  - the activity sequences that were employed in teaching and learning experiences
  - the pedagogical interaction and methods you employed when using your DLM?
  - the teaching and studying methods you found most appropriate?
2) What other learning materials could support student learning?
3) Did you change / leave out something from your plan during the pilot?

Main Making the T-S-L culture and process visible
1) What kind of guidance and support did you provide for your students' progress towards the set objectives and goals?
  - What kind of students' self-assessment tools and techniques did you use?
  - What do you think can best be self-assessed in the students’ work with ICT?
2) How did you provide feedback on their performance and information about their learning outcomes?
3) What assessment criteria did you use to measure your students' progress towards the set objectives and goals?
