Toolkit for creating digital learning materials in schools

Half-way check point in our project: what we have learnt so far at Finnish-Russian School of Eastern Finland and School no 238

Culture Calendar, Finnish-Russian School of Eastern Finland & School no 238

Your work is an excellent example of an e-material frame: a calendar provides a sound structure that directs the design of your DLM (we all know what a calendar is and what calendars are commonly used for)
- it allows you to create an interesting basic content database (what a calendar usually contains)
- the database can be continually developed and co-authored with students
- it can be utilized in all curriculum subjects according to their special interests (the Earth Day, the Pi Day)
- it allows to develop active virtual social environments within your school and your community (recurrent school events, current events within the school, culture events in the community)
- it develops sustained T-S-L processes in different subjects (create a diary of a project, an excursion or a trip, or any other T-S-L process).

In a calendar you have a clear structure: a year, a months, a days, a time. Take an ordinary pocket calendar. There you have public holidays (national, in some calendars international as well), you might have a map of your country, sometimes even a world map, timezones, distances. Your students might have great ideas of what they would like the calendar to be like and, most importantly, how they would like to use it.

Experts' feedback on Culuture Calendar,
Finnish-Russian School of Eastern Finland & School no 238.
